We are passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

Meet Debbie

While I loved working in corporate sales across various roles it was during a contract in workforce development amidst a recession where I truly felt I made a meaningful impact on people’s lives. In this role, I “reverse-engineered” over 30 years of product/service sales training and management roles to guide students to have the “right conversations” while interviewing for jobs and/or talking with their employers.  I quickly found that many talented people were not connecting themselves to an employer’s overall strategy and therefore they could not articulate their value or prioritize personal and professional goals when it came time for performance reviews and interviews. I also found that many sales individuals were not making this critical connection and were not having the “right” conversation resulting in missed opportunities. I pursued certification in DISC personality training, complementing my expertise in behavioral interviewing, executive-level sales, and problem-solving. I firmly believe we all have to sell ourselves continuously during office and after hours whether it be a presentation, a performance review, a job interview, or a networking event. Every day we have conversations with our customers, our bosses, our co-workers, and potential employers that could affect future outcomes. Work with me! email: theunsale@gmail.com



We can help.

What is Your Conversation? Articulate Alignment.

Who are You? Who are They? What problem do you solve? What problem do they need you to solve? What exactly is “Fit?” How do you talk about your skills or services that align with what your audience needs in a specific way? Your story should intersect with their story in an impactful way. Value-add doesn’t mean a little bit better. It means transformation.

How do You Prepare and Develop the Right Conversation?

Know Yourself in Relationship to Others. Learn to “package” your successes as they relate to ROI. Understand alignment with teams and employers. Learn to present yourself and your products/services/ideas with confidence as you learn to articulate them in a way that gets heard. Prepare by doing the “right” homework and gaining an understanding of the conversation that started before you got there.

Where is Your Conversation? Expand your potential.

Collaboration and communication with other team members is key. We want to help you and your team meet your maximum potential. Self-knowledge comes first. Understanding behavior and how others work starts with DISC. We will demystify typical “disconnect" situations between team members and chart a path for growth and alignment.

My Approach

1) Who are you and who are they?  DISC- What personality behaviors do you exhibit at work? Who are you, and how might you tackle a problem? Who is everyone else? How do we learn to work with various personality types? Improve soft skills like empathy, understanding, perspective, and collaborative problem-solving. Learn to communicate the way others are more likely to receive it. Become less judgemental as you gain an understanding of how different personalities approach a project and see the value each person brings to the table.

2) Once you know who you are, you can start to craft compelling stories that you want to tell and employers/customers want to hear. We do this through Job Journaling using the STAR technique with DISC-informed language and behavior. We teach you how to use your ongoing journal to prepare for any conversation whether it be a performance appraisal, a job interview, or a major customer.  I teach you how to sell your quantifiable value and how to prioritize each one. I teach you how to build trust through communication. Together we will “score” your stories for impact because not every perfectly formulated story gets heard. We “connect” your story to the return on investment toward overall employer/customer strategy. You will view alignment through a new lense.

3) Create an approach to sell yourself, your ideas, and your products/services because everyone sells. This is not a one-and-done “technique.” It is an approach to building trust and likability that leads to results. We will use DISC for selling and learn to create assumptions that lead to good questions that lead to great conversations and problem-solving that ultimately get the sale.